Welcome to our blog!

Good morning, and what a beautiful sunny morning it is here in Bristol! Makes a change to be back in my dog walking trainers and to have no muddy paws! 🙂

As this is my first blog post as a dog walker, I thought I would introduce my dog Joey. My partner Simon and I adopted him from the the lovely Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary in Long Ashton. He was a little 4 month old puppy then and now he is a gorgeous 3 year old who never fails to make us smile everyday.


Today we are going to take him for a wonderful sunny walk in one of his favourite spots in Bristol, Badock Woods. As a dog walker I also enjoy this place as it is paved, provides a good amount of shade for the dogs and they can cool down in the stream. Unusually for a small dog Joey absolutely loves swimming, even in winter! He looks so funny paddling along with his tail sticking up out of the water, wagging!


Enjoy the sunshine everyone!